Getting started with Serri Platform for your Business

Getting started with Serri Platform for your Business

Got approval for your WhatsApp Business API account & Facebook Business Manager Verification?


Now, let's get you familiar with the Serri  Platform.

There are multiple features that might at first be difficult to understand & master.

But, once you get the hang of them, they'll feel like Childs play.

We have multiple tutorials set up to smoothly guide you through the platform.

Here are a few resources that will come in handy:

  1. How to upload Contacts

  2. How to create WhatsApp Template Messages

  3. How to Broadcast

  4. How to integrate Serri with your CRM

  5. Template Message Library

  6. How to create WhatsApp Chatbot

  7. How to create Agents & Managers

  8. How to create Attributes

  9. How to create tags

  10. How to create canned messages

  11. How to enable notifications

  12. How to use Live Chat (without chatbot)

  13. Green Tick Pre-requisites